Right now you are feeling overwhelmed. Parenting is a difficult thing, something you have never done before and have never been taught to do. They handed you a baby in the delivery room then sent you home with her to figure it all out, and you have been doing your best. You've read books and blogs, talked to your doctor and your mother, but it's still difficult. If you could just get to the bottom of this one thing, just get some sleep, or get her to eat, or work out why she seems so angry all the time, then it would all be so much easier. Then you could finally be that fun Mum you dreamed of being, who enjoys spending time with her children and knows she is dong the very best for them.
Parenting is tough. You are far from the only person to have ever felt that way! Some people feel lost the first time they have to change a nappy, or bathe a newborn, for some it's when their toddler will only eat jam sandwiches or hasn't slept for more than two hours together in three years. Whatever your personal parenting nemesis, and whatever stage you are at, I can help.
The trouble is, the people you might have turned to for help in the past are often not really able to help you. Doctors, for example, are brilliant if your child is ill but their training doesn't usually cover behaviour management or child sleep habits. Other parents are great sources of support, but they only know what works for them and that may not be right for your child.
I know children. Under fives are what I do, what I have built my career around and what I have devoted my life to for the past 20 years. I have always believed that if you are going to do something then you should do it well and so I began my training at Norland College, with what was then the only degree level early years course in the country, and studying Montessori methods in the evenings. That wasn't enough for me though and since I left Norland I have completed a postgraduate course in child psychology, and have studied development, sleep, care of multiples and trained as a breastfeeding councillor. If you want a genuine early years expert, someone who knows children from every angle with all their complexities and different aspects. Who has personal experience of working with hundreds of little ones, from newborn babies to schoolchildren - then I am the person you are looking for.
I wont try to tell you the "one true answer" or sell you "my method." I will never say, as I hear other early years experts saying, that "all my babies sleep through by 8 weeks." The reason is very simple - they are not my babies.
My job is to give you the information you need so that you can decide which goals are important to you, to listen when you tell me what matters most to you. To find out about your priorities, your personality and your little one's temperament. Only then will I help you to achieve those goals - in a way that works for your family. This isn't about me, my method or my goals. It is only about your family. So tell me, do you love sharing a bed with your toddler and happily breastfeed him but just want some sleep in between? Or are you a working mother trying to deal with tantrums at the weekends? Perhaps you have newborn triplets and getting some consistency between them seems like the only way to stay sane, you just don't know how?
I will make you three promises:
1 - I will listen to you
2 - I don't have an agenda. I will help with whatever you need
3 - I will never, ever think that you are a bad parent. Bad parents lock children in cupboards, beat them, abandon or starve them. A bad parent wouldn't be reading this.